
松下 宇流麻
1993年、東京都生まれ。2012年に高校を卒業後、都内のWEB系企業やアメリカ企業のAIプロジェクトに参画。2018年4月、群馬県に株式会社TheNewGateを立ち上げ、代表取締役社長 / CEOに就任。東京をはじめ全国に10拠点の支社を構える。趣味は野球、ゴルフ、サーフィン、登山 and more。
Born in 1993 in Tokyo, Japan, he graduated from high school in 2012 and participated in AI projects for web-based companies in Tokyo and American companies.In April 2018, he launched TheNewGate Inc. in Gunma, Japan, and became President / CEO. The company has 10 branch offices in Tokyo and other cities in Japan. His hobbies are baseball, golf, surfing, mountain climbing and more.

松井 大空
高校卒業後、電装系企業の立ち上げを行い株式会社化に成功。 その後ソフトバンクでの営業を経て、株式会社TheNewGateへ参画。取締役CIOなどを歴任し、現在は取締役 COOとしてタクトを振るう。現在は取締役 COO (最高執行責任者)として経営サポートや、各業務の責任者に指示を出して業務執行を管理。趣味はキックボクシング、フットサル、旅行。
After graduating from high school, he launched an electrical equipment company and successfully converted it into a joint-stock corporation. After working in sales at Softbank, he joined TheNewGate Inc. After serving as Director and CIO, he is currently serving as Director and COO. Currently, as COO (Chief Operating Officer), he provides management support and manages business execution by giving instructions to those responsible for various operations. His hobbies include kickboxing, futsal, and traveling.

落合 実
商経学部経営学科を卒業後、サービス業にて接客に従事。その後広告代理店や通信業界にて無形商材、有形商材のtoB・toCに対して提案営業を経験。 前職を通して代表の松下に出会い、話を聞いていく中でビジョンと人柄に惹かれ、近くで一緒にそのビジョンを追って行きたいと思いTNGに入社。CM事業部に所属し、ゼネラルマネジャーとして人事・労務・法務・事務・経理・広報など、それぞれの担当課全体を管理。好きなものはお酒、アニメ、甥と姪。
After graduating from the Department of Business Administration in the Faculty of Commerce and Economics, he worked in customer service in the service industry. Later, he worked for an advertising agency and in the telecommunications industry, where he experienced sales proposals for intangible and tangible products in both the business-to-business and business-to-consumer sectors.He joined TNG because he was attracted by the vision and personality of Matsushita and wanted to work closely with him in pursuit of that vision.She enjoys drinking, anime, and her nephew and niece.

鷲尾 怜香
高校卒業後、通信業界で接客・営業・新人教育・店舗管理を経験。 世の中のIT化が進んだら通信業界での仕事は長くは続けられないと感じ、ITについて興味を持ったことから、未経験からの挑戦を応援し企業理念に共感できたTNGに入社。 現在はICT事業部に所属し、ゼネラルマネージャー代理として、主に事業部全体のマネジメントや人材育成、人材アウトソーシングを担当。好きなものは洋服で、暇さえあればおしゃれな人をインスタやTikTokでみて研究。
After graduating from high school, he experienced customer service, sales, training of new employees, and store management in the telecommunications industry. Feeling that she would not be able to continue working in the telecommunications industry for long if the world became more IT-oriented, she became interested in IT and joined TNG, which supported challenges from inexperienced workers and shared her corporate philosophy. Currently, as a deputy general manager in the ICT Division, she is mainly responsible for overall management of the division, human resource development, and human resource outsourcing. He loves clothes and spends his spare time researching fashionable people on Instagram and TikTok.

千葉 啓太
ITS事業部 マネージャー(2020年入社)
While in law school, he experienced door-to-door sales and engineering internships, and experienced SES as an IT engineer. He joined TNG because he was attracted to an environment where he could challenge himself not only as an engineer but also as a service creator. Currently, as a manager in the ITS division, he is mainly responsible for the development of the company's services and coaching operations. His hobbies are music, soccer, and games.

福井 一真
ICT事業部 SV(2021年入社)
After graduating from a performing arts school, she worked in the entertainment industry and experienced various occupations. Having found "what he wanted to create" within himself, he joined TNG. Currently, she belongs to the ICT Division, where she trains and manages staff and

宮本 憬
ICT事業部 SV(2021年入社)
After graduating from the Faculty of Education with a major in science, she worked as a freelancer in a coffee chain store, providing service and staff training. She found it rewarding to deliver coffee farmers' thoughts to customers and to provide new ways to enjoy coffee, but she joined TNG with the aim of delivering experiences that would change values not only through coffee but also through the power of IT, which many people use.Currently, he is a member of the ICT division, where he is in charge of creating systems using JavaScript and Python as a SV and managing tasks as a team leader. His hobbies include music, Korean dramas, and watching movies, and his favorite movie genres are psychological horror and suspense.

内田 賢太郎
After graduating from high school, he worked in logistics, shipbuilding, and car maintenance and sales. After that, he went to New Zealand by himself to study and worked for DAISO in Auckland, where he experienced ordering, warehouse management, and training of new employees as a supervisor for about two and a half years before returning to Japan. He returned to Japan after 2.5 years of experience in ordering, warehouse management, and training new employees as a supervisor. and joined TNG. Currently, while working in the commercial division, he is also in charge of video editing and is the leader of the CNC (video creator team). His hobbies include video editing, muscle training, eating, watching movies, and sports.

久保 有加
経済学部市場環境学科を卒業後、アパレル会社に就職し婦人服の接客販売業務を経験。 アパレル時代にECサイトでの販売に注力することがあり、「自分でも販売員側の視点で使いやすい販売ツールを作りたい」という思いからTNGに入社。現在はICT事業部に所属しながら、CNC(動画クリエイターチーム)ではTNGの広報動画作成などを手掛けている。趣味はドラマと映画を見ることで、好きな食べ物はお米と明太子。
After graduating from the Department of Market and Environment in the Faculty of Economics, she worked for an apparel company and experienced in customer service sales of women's clothing. During her time in apparel, she sometimes focused on sales on e-commerce sites, and joined TNG out of a desire to "create easy-to-use sales tools myself from a salesperson's point of view. Currently, while working in the ICT Division, she is also involved in the CNC (video creator team), creating TNG's PR videos. His hobbies include watching TV dramas and movies, and his favorite foods are rice and cod roe.

川端 華乃
After graduating from an accounting school, he became a freelancer in search of "what he really wanted to do. He then worked at a tax accountant's office, where he experienced assisting tax accountants. He always liked to come up with new ideas, but realized that he needed the power of IT to come up with new ideas. At that time, he was attracted to TNG's mission of "designing the world's common sense," and thought, "I can do something interesting at this company while learning IT technology, even with no experience! I joined TNG because I thought, "I can learn IT technology and have fun at the same time, even with no experience! Currently, while working in the ICT Division, I am also involved in video production at CNC (video creator team), including composition, shooting, and editing. He loves people, and his hobbies are learning about them and analyzing them.