株式会社  TheNewGate(以下、TNG) はIT技術をベースに世界中の業界や人々のライフスタイル、常識を変えていく(=デザインする)組織です。

We are an organization that aims to design industries and people's lifestyles and common sense around the world based on IT technology.


We incorporate CSV management and aim to contribute to solving social issues as the economic value of the company increases.


In recent years, amidst the social issue of Japan's declining workforce population, we strongly feel that Digital Transformation in various industries is urgently needed. Moreover, for Japanese industries to compete on an equal footing with the world, we will persist in our pursuit of unification driven by our unique global perspective on DX.

MVV Ver2.2で掲げているアート思考とグローバリゼーションの調和では「今、市場に求められているビジネス性のあるもの」ではなく「自分たちが思い描く美しい未来を芸術家の如くITの観点から表現していく」という想いが込められています。

The harmony of art thinking and globalization, as stated in MVV Ver2.2, embodies the idea of expressing "a beautiful future that we envision like artists from the perspective of IT" rather than merely providing what the market demands in terms of business.


While most industries have thrived solely in the domestic market until now, companies from various countries around the world are constantly evolving, and high-quality, low-cost products are beginning to flow in. Therefore, we aim not only to stand shoulder to shoulder with these global companies but also to make Japan a "leading IT powerhouse in the world."


We will continue to challenge future tasks as "artists" using IT technology and strive to realize a more beautiful and radiant future.
